Thursday, May 24, 2012

just a passer by.. come and go~~

i don't hate u.. because i know the existence of hate is because there is love..
i don't want to have that kind of feeling towards u anymore..
i may not deserve someone like you or better than u,
but at least i think i deserve someone that is serious with me.
'letting go something that i'm not holding ain't difficult' is what i keep telling myself.
i just need some times, social life, keep myself busy and non stop distraction.
yesterday i watched back the video, and i miss your arm..
it's sad that everything is just a memory now..

宝贝.... this is the last time i use this words....... for u...

i really hate mind game..
i dont like courting game..
lets make thing easy...
just bloody hell tell me how u feel towards me, and u may get me..
even if is not, we can still be friend.. awkward?? definitely no..
is just that easy..


Zhee Wen said...

confront him, and ask: do you like me? if you did, shall we go dating?
if not, then stop sending me the wrong signal. and be friends again.
easier say than being done. :S

SeowYen said...

no need confront.. people already left.. everything back to normal.. hehehe..