Monday, January 23, 2012

'Happy' Chinese New Year


新年快乐... 没有您的新年, 似乎也失去了传统....
我们..... 没回去跟阿嫲吃团年饭...
您不在的第一年, 已经如此了, 接下去我真的不知道该怎么办...


我很想念您.. 从此以后就没得向您贺声恭喜发财, 身体健康, 没得从您手中得到祝福...

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Tradition

i think this had become the new year tradition of my life.. this is the third time if not mistaken.. i dont like it but i need to get use to it..


unable to let go the devil in you will only make you blind folded and bury the love. the devil has slowly make you lose your pride and love one.. it's pity..

u chose to walk towards devil, refuse to trust your love one, fall into the trap set by devil, losing your love one.. be blinded by your ears and slowly losing your heart, worth it?

if...... if that is so important to you, i can only say.... let it be~~~

anyhow i'm closing my eyes, ears, and heart.. i'm trying to live a no regret life, as for u, i don't know but i pray for u to have the same as mine..



一个月了, 今天就是一个月了. 新的一年又来了, 与以往一样过了个XX的新年..
阿公, 您呢? 有遇见怡保阿姨吗?

依然是念着你, 好像要把你藏起来是件不容易的事..
带着您留下的手表, 看着那时间, 尽量把握时间, 为你而过, 为你而活....

您呢? 是否听见我的祈祷呢?
