Wednesday, February 23, 2011

fall for the wrong one..

a fren said its very difficult for me to fall for a guy..

unfortunately, now i fall for the wrong guy.. everyone telling me that he is just trying to be friendly, yes i know and also accepting the truth.. i keep distance with him, im distracting myself from thinking of him, im persuading myself that whatever the god's hint, just follow..

i said its hurt and you may feel its ridiculous cause there's nothing between us, as clear as diamond water, how can it be hurt and how hurt can it be? my answer is super duper hurt..i can feel someone pinching my heart every now and then and i cry no tears.. i knew i need to end this.. wait, there is even no beginning, what to end? but my side already had its own grand opening, picturing that bringing him to meet my families, celebrating events with him, hold his hand, fall into his huggies, everything.. yes yes yes, its really silly to dream about it but dont ever forget i used to live in my own fairy tale.. here comes the punishment for dreaming..

i said its more painful that my previous relationship because there is a relationship to recall but as for this one is purely my one sided hand trying hard to clap.. there is nothing to hope, nothing to recall, nothing to end..

i hate it!!!! and i miss him..



但也因为如此反而更想念你.... =(

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


强颜欢笑很难.. 情绪的起伏都因他的回应而波动,实在是令我忐忑不定。

最近常问自己 :快乐是选择, 那要如何选择快乐呢?

A 男是有感觉的, B 男是朋友...
A 对我没感觉,B 紧追我不放...
A 的一个小动作令我好奇开心,B 的关怀备至令我感到困扰...
同样的,A 的不理不睬令我伤心欲绝,B 的任何过错令我无动于衷...
A 的任何大小事令我情绪不稳,B 的大好大坏小对小错都与我无关...

是要上天堂的快乐, 下地狱的悲伤或要个straight line graph 的生活?


理智告诉自己别过于执着, 但小小心灵的一个角落告诉自己真的很想他..
如此的反复不定, 我累了.... 但还是很想念他...