Saturday, September 26, 2009

a song to share..

lately i really like to share songs or video.. no choice, life had been too boring.. nothing interesting happen.. hehe..

陶子 - 女人心事

东区的咖啡座 幽暗的沙发里
总有几张 熟悉的脸
那种聪明 带点防卫的气质
想放弃 却又不甘心的样子

越过她的肩膀 空洞洞的视线
摩登女子 灰色心事
那种以为 自己什么都可以
喝了酒 却又哭得像个孩子


曾经 我也痛过我也恨过怨过放弃过
在自己的房间里 觉得幸福遗弃我
如果 没有分离背叛的丑陋

请你 试着相信一爱再爱不要低下头
别怕青春消逝 就不信单纯的美梦
你会的 有一天 会幸福的

is a really touching song that talks about anyone surely had some hurtful memory in their love life but no worry, if there is no all this memory how will we know that we really loved before? that's a prove of love.. but dont ever give up on love based of past because one day you surely will find your love one and live like fairy tale, happily ever after.

love ya..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

first day : fail..

yesterday just told myself to handle thing calmly, take things seriously and control my emotion..
today is the first day and i fail myself kau kau.. just scream loudly in front of my mom although i felt that that's not my fault but i just let my anger out instead of listen to her nag patiently..



我要学着平复自己的情绪, 冷静心灵, 不要有太大的情绪波动, 更正面的面对未来的挑战。
这一个星期所发生的事,没人可以体会,没人能与我分享分担, 让我更明了我是多么的需要坚强面对未来。 会有更多类似或更糟的事会发生,我可有能力再次看到同样的事情发生?


Saturday, September 12, 2009


just met an accident and i'm really depressed now because it's my wrong.. 

blame on me..